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School Learner March 2024 Training

Writer's picture: UmphakathiUmphakathi
In the final week of March, we hosted our School Learner Holiday Programme. Over 110 learners from 8 different high schools attended the week-long training, making this our biggest programme to date!

This training period also saw us expand our offerings. In addition to the plumbing, construction and hospitality training, learners were able to gain skills and work experience in electrical, carpentry, beauty and retail, with a particular focus on running our on-site butchery.

Thabang, Learner from Tembisa SOS

Thabang, a hospitality learner from Tembisa SOS reflected on his experiences during the programme:

“I learnt how to make a cappuccino and do different designs on it. It’s actually not straightforward to make. You need to make the right movements with your hands and have good timing. But I learnt skills I can use for the coming years”

Hophni, a John Oor learner, also expressed what he believes is valuable about the programme:

“I enjoy the Umphakathi programme because you wake up with the enthusiasm of doing something. You wake up and think ‘okay, there’s something new i’m going to learn today.’ You’re actually in the workplace and you get to have an experience”

The training period culminated in a showcase event on Wednesday the 27th. On this special day, a number of guests came to the Umphakathi site to observe the work the learners had put together throughout the week. Here are some of the processes and final results in which the learners were able to actively participate and showcase their skills:

At Umphakathi, we realise that the current youth unemployment crisis is, in part, linked to a lack of skills and an absence of workplace experience among job-seeking youth. We believe education and employment are two-sides of the same coin. The conversation about youth employment starts at school level. Through this programme we aim to equip youth with the necessary skills and experience to find employment or create their own.

We are grateful to the help of Siyanda Events & 42 Communications for creating this amazing video showcasing what we do best:

If you’d like to join us in realizing this vision of skilled youth with diverse career prospects, you can get involved below:

The biggest THANK YOU to our sponsors and partners below who made this incredible week a possibility!

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